
Coinage has a unique reward structure that is designed to incentivize long-term staking.

When users stake their gSHEKEL tokens, they earn oSHEKEL rewards when the epoch triggers, each epoch lasts 6 hours.

Once deposited, gSHEKEL withdraws can only be done after the lockup period ends. Rewards lockup period is half of gSHEKEL's, meaning only 3 epochs (18 hours)

Any time tokens are harvested, deposited, or withdrawn, the lockup timer gets reset ( 6 epochs -> 36 hours )

Please keep in mind that epochs are always running, but for rewards to appear it needs the function - Execute Coinage - called manually on the Treasury contract. 0x0e2F9213C248055D471EEBD98c56906cF89faAA5

Last updated